
From Creative to Coder: My Journey to Programming

As a kid, I was mesmerized by computers and video games. I still remember my first computer and gaming experience with the Commodore 64 and just interacting with these computers felt like wielding magic. Fast forward a few decades, and I've spent 10 years in the video game industry and another 10 in marketing. I always remember working closely with developers and enjoying learning about different languages, dabbling in some scripting and code on my own. But I never felt confident enough to make the jump from creative to code, thinking it was a gift you were born with.

Then life took me on a detour. I ended up working in communications for Alpinestars, fueling my passion for motorcycles. Eventually, I branched off and worked independently by starting apexwins, still working mainly in motorsports, pushing my creative side even further with photography and content creation. But deep down, the desire to code never went away. And now, 25+ years later, I'm finally taking the plunge (thanks to a hugely supportive and loving wife).

Learning Rust and delving into computer science feels like a thrilling new adventure. I'm excited to document my progress on this site and learn in public. It's scary, sure, but I'm determined to put myself out there and see what happens.

Join me on this journey as I bridge the gap between creativity and coding, and discover the magic behind the screen.

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